Spirit Wear Shop!

Our online store will remain open all year round so you can purchase at any time. They add new products every month. Orders will be delivered to your home within days.

Hot Lunch News

Most Importantly, before ordering, you must update your student's teacher! Go to Student, Action, edit and update their teacher. If their teacher is not updated, there will be confusion during lunch distribution. If this is your first year ordering, go to Student, and then add a student.

Want to help distribute hot lunch? It only takes an hour of time and your students love to see you there! We need parent participation to keep our hot lunch program running. Sign-up here:

Menu Items:

Tuesday - Chicken Tenders, Grilled Chicken Strips, Veggie Patty, Macaroni & Cheese

Wednesday - Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Veggie Burger, Penne w/Marinara

Thursday -  Chicken Tenders, Hot Dog, Veggie Dog, Corn Dog, Veggie Corn Dog

DuJardin Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Board Members
President: Sara Dworianyn
Vice President: Nicole Mitropoulos
Secretary: Suzanne Lenisa
Treasurer: Alyssa Syputa

PTO Meetings
Meetings are once a month at 5:30p.m (usually the second Tuesday of the month). Check the Jaguar Journal for details.  All DuJardin Parents are invited to attend!
The meeting usually runs approximately one hour. The PTO typically discusses teacher requests (which will be voted on at this meeting), possible new fundraisers, and any current business. 

How does the DuJardin PTO make a difference?
  • Fund requests by Teachers after approval by the PTO
  • Organizes numerous activities & services throughout the year, such as Roller Skating Parties, Hot Lunches,
  • School Supplies, Telephone Directory, Jaguar Journal, Bingo Night, Book Fairs, Ice Cream Social
  • Funds $100 Gift Certificates to each DuJardin Teacher
  • Funds various School Assemblies and virtual events throughout the year
  • Funds & Coordinates an Appreciation Luncheon for the Teachers and Staff in May
  • Funds & Coordinates a Breakfast with Teachers in May
  • Funds & Awards two $750 Scholarship each year to a H.S. Senior who graduated from DuJardin
  • Purchases Hot Lunch for all Students on the Field Day in May

Birthday Message Form New DuJardin Spirit Wear Store is Open ALL Year!
Want a fun way to say “Happy Birthday” to your child or a staff member?
How about having your birthday wishes on the DuJardin school digital sign!

Click link to order:  DJ digital sign birthday form

School Supply Boxes

2024-25 Kits are no longer available.
Please check back in 2025 to order kits for 2025-26 School Year.