PTO Room Party Sign-Up Ends

PTO Room Party Sign-Up Ends

DuJardin PTO Classroom Holiday Party Sign-Up
Please only sign up for 1 party per student to allow all families to have an opportunity to help. You will be removed if you sign-up for more than 1 party.
For each class and party, there is a sign up for 1 Party Coordinator, who will be responsible for contacting and working with the other volunteers and organizing the party. There are also 5 slots for class volunteers.
Sign up here:

A few tips:
- Please sign up by Friday, September 22. Starting on September 25, we will allow parents who are already signed up for one party to sign up for 1 additional party.
- Please only sign up as a coordinator or volunteer, not both!

- Please note that all of the parties are listed separately. First Halloween, with all of the teachers, then Holiday, then Valentines. If you are on your phone, you will need to click the "more" button at the bottom to get more classes and parties to load. You can view them easier on a computer if you are having trouble. Look for fifth grade, and then you will know the next set of holiday parties will follow.

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